Formulas & Equations for success

Business Models

Self Transaction/Signup – users MUST have ability to purchase and manage their subscription online

Online Account Management – ability to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel subscription completely online

Automated Onboarding Process – easy to get started and perceive value
Freemium Business Model – Always offer basic usage for free, paid upgrades for expanded capability

Native Nurturing Automation – Built into platform experience + email integration

Cancel Retention Automation – When user wishes to downgrade/cancel we take them through a series of screens they must get through in order to complete the account change, during this user journey we re-present our value proposition, offer discounts, and gather feedback before processing the change

B2B SaS Freemium Flat Rate Tiered Per User/Seat Advertising White-Label B2C Subscription In-App Purchases Marketplace B2B to B2C Rev-Share

Product Rules

Self Transaction/Signup – users MUST have ability to purchase and manage their subscription online

Online Account Management – ability to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel subscription completely online

Automated Onboarding Process – easy to get started and perceive value
Freemium Business Model – Always offer basic usage for free, paid upgrades for expanded capability

Native Nurturing Automation – Built into platform experience + email integration

Cancel Retention Automation – When user wishes to downgrade/cancel we take them through a series of screens they must get through in order to complete the account change, during this user journey we re-present our value proposition, offer discounts, and gather feedback before processing the change

Sales Strategy

Once a seeded project reaches product market fit and is revenue positive we can open the product to sales. As with the products we are building, our sales tactics must be different.

Differentiation Factors

1.Commission schedule should be structured based on engagement and not sales volume

a)Commissions should be paid out over time, as the new business model rules call for monthly billing of customers.

b)One example is to pay commissions in thirds:

  • 1/3 upon sale
  • 1/3 six months
  • 1/3 12 months

2.Structure bonuses via their customers engagement with platform

a)Pay bonus when a user logins in for X number of days in a row, etc.

Marketing Strategy

1.Primary Core Focus – If we follow our product rules our Marketing efforts can transition from a LeadGen/Usage strategy to an App promotion strategy.

2.Value Prop Centered – The main focus of all Marketing efforts should center around communicating the value proposition of using our Service. This will greatly reduce our current marketing overhead and rally everyone around a singular goal.

3.Simplified ROI Reporting – With the majority of subscriptions and ad sales coming from online we will be transitioning to a self-service transaction model, this allows for easily attributable ROI.

4.Constant COA Optimization – This model will enable us to determine a cost of acquisition metric, which Marketing can then work to constantly optimize and drive down our cost of acquisition.  Knowing that we get a customer for $X, and analyzing how many customer we can drive per month, we can develop projections to forecast the monthly revenue over time.

  • This data will be crucial in developing a marketing/advertising budget and strategy.

Technology Rules

1.Rapid Prototyping – All projects to be built using rapid prototyping system such as:




2.Open Source First – Always utilize open source code libraries first, and as often as possible to jumpstart codebase

3.Organized Code – Projects built using a GIT repository/versioning system

4.Modern Frontend – Must utilize modern Frontend frameworks, great UI/UX is a MUST!

5.Cloud Hosting – Applications to run on cloud stack (hosting environment) for quick scaling

6.Scalable Database – Applications must utilize Big Data DB platform


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